Ellas Story
Ella Brante
Inspired by a traditional ceylonese formula
made in Germany
Ella’s story begins with a conquest of a romantic nature. After Ceylon became a British colony at the start of the 19th century, her mother gave her heart to an Englishman. Ella grew up under the influence of two cultures. The lifestyle close to nature and the Ayurvedic knowledge of her Sinhalese family that was passed down from generation to generation merged in Ella with the knowledge and customs of the western world.

Even as a small child, Ella roamed the tropical jungle of the island to collect medicinal herbs for her mother. As a young woman, she developed a number of formulae, which alleviate many skin problems. Ella’s purely natural, fragrant plant oils quickly became known as holistic beauty treatments. Soon, Ella was treating locals and immigrants alike with innovative formulations that combined natural medicine and natural cosmetics.
Over 150 years later, we rediscovered Ella’s formulae in Sri Lanka, carved into a historic palm-leaf manuscript and written in traditional Sanskrit – a real treasure trove of knowledge! Inspired by Ella’s exciting life, we resolved to continue her culture-bridging story. For Ella Brantë natural cosmetics, we have carefully tailored the traditional formulae to contemporary production processes and grooming rituals.
Allow your heart to be won too – by finely balanced blends of fragrances that transport you to Ella’s paradise home and by the pure plant power of our drying oils, which noticeably revitalise and care for your skin. Natural beauty is timeless. With Ella Brantë, you can feel simply fabulous.